I was never known to be an early riser!

Some three weeks ago I read a facebook post by @DenLennie, the filmmaker and educator, about becoming a member of the “5.00 am club” as he called it. It was based on the great advice given in a video by Robin Sharma

So I thought I thought I should give it a go. Wow what a difference this has made to my productivity not to mention my well being. I use a great App called ToDoist to plan my time and to help me manage projects. It measures what it calls Karma, or productivity. The image at the top of this post shows part of the following screenshot;

I am about to start week 5. I am already seeing huge benefits in my life in ways I would not have envisaged when I started this new journey. I used to be a late night person but I have totally bought into the early bird syndrome. I get up at 5,  do 20 minutes exercise, 20 minutes planning and 20 minutes of learning about something new. By the time I sit down for breakfast I have already achieved 3 productive hours.

What prompted this post was an article that I read on feedly,

The Morning Rituals of 10 of the World’s Most Inspirational Entrepreneurs (Infographic)


It would appear that I am not alone.

Different faces of modern day retailing – quality will always shine.

Following a friend of mine saying they are planning a second Sainsbury’s in Teddington I thought I should reblog this.


Much has been written in the UK about the demise of the traditional retail outlet. Some adversely affected by the recession, others by the rise of on-line powerhouses such as Amazon and eBay, and of course the rise of the out-of-town super store that we have all become accustomed to and use frequently and conveniently.

In my own home town of Henley On Thames there appears to have been an endless merry-go-round of stores coming and going. Yet there still remain the bastions of service, quality and choice like our local butcher and fishmongers.Image

There are also the local produce markets which vary wildly in range and quality of goods.

However the rise of the on-line specialist store using direct marketing, web sites and social media, and indirect means such as Etsy and eBay is a welcome addition to the consumer’s choice. Unburdened by the overheads associated with  having to maintain Retail…

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